project overview


Futuredge is an edtech startup specializing in a diverse range of cutting-edge courses, including but not limited to Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), Quantum Computing, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency.



Navigating the intricate edtech ecosystem, Futuredge confronted the challenge of crafting a platform that would not only offer a seamless user experience but also distinguish itself in a saturated market. The diverse array of specialized courses, ranging from AR, VR, MR to Quantum Computing and Blockchain, necessitated a design that could effectively showcase this extensive course catalog while resonating with a broad and discerning audience.



Understanding the multifaceted course offerings and the unique market positioning of Futuredge, our team designed a UI/UX that was both intuitive and captivating. The design adeptly highlighted the wide range of specialized courses, facilitating easy navigation for potential students to explore and understand the value of each offering. The final design served as a robust platform that not only met but exceeded Futuredge's objectives, solidifying their status as a premier destination for specialized tech courses.

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